The FAUBAI – Brazilian Association for International Education was created in 1988 and brings together managers and heads of international relations from more than 200 Brazilian higher education institutions.
Promotes the integration and training of managers, seminars, workshops, regional, national and international meetings and Annual Conference.
It also works to disseminate the potential and diversity of Brazilian HEIs, in the country and abroad, with HEIs, agencies, diplomatic representations, organizations and international programs.


2025 - Towards equitable and sustainable partnerships
Following the ‘inviting for a new journey’ at the 2024 FAUBAI Conference, we extend our invitation to join us in Brasilia in April 2025, as we shift our focus ‘Towards equitable and sustainable partnerships’. As we embark on this new journey, it is crucial to cultivate partnerships that prioritize equity and sustainability, guaranteeing mutual benefit and enduring success for all stakeholders.

2024 - Inviting for a new journey
The FAUBAI 2024 Conference took place from April 20 to 24, 2024, at the Rebouças Convention Center in São Paulo, Brazil. This year’s theme, “Inviting for a New Journey,” encapsulated the spirit of exploration and innovation in international education.

2023 - Bulilding knowledge with all voices
The first in person edition post pandemic, on April 15-19, 2023, celebrating FAUBAI’s 35 years. The general theme is also a celebration. Building knowledge with all voices is a recognition of education and science as a collective and democratic construction. Knowledge and inclusion are pillars for building a better world. Internationalization plays a leading role, uniting different cultures and listening to all voices.

2022 - Known concepts, new meanings

2021 - Expanding our minds
This year, when we still cannot meet face to-face, the FAUBAI 2021 Virtual Conference has decided to concentrate its activities on moments of collective reflections, new issues and paradigm shifts in the internationalization of higher education and the possibilities of new approaches and institutional actions.

2020 - Global Learning, Global Citizens
FAUBAI has been monitoring the evolution of the COVID-19 virus around the world these last few weeks and discussing the impact that the sanitary measures could have on our community. This is indeed a challenging time for all of us, given our dedication to nurturing the values of international education and openness, and we all look forward to a prompt return to normality.

2019 - Global Community Engagement
The Brazilian Association for International Education invites you to the amazing city of Belem, a gateway to the Amazon region. Come to FAUBAI 2019, the most important event on internationalization of higher education in South America.
Learn about the history of conferences held by FAUBAI:
Be part of the largest International Association of Education in Latin America and promote the internationalization of your institution and contact Brazilian HEIs.
FAUBAI's mission is to encourage the internationalization process of Brazilian HEIs and promote higher education abroad in Brazil. Its members find the first steps to start the internationalization process in their HEIs, benefit from the professionalization of the management of international affairs, follow the main trends in the area and can participate in the biggest international education events in Brazil and in the world.


FAUBAI Connections | Global SOS
A Série Especial Global SOS-RS, promovida pela FAUBAI – Associação Brasileira de Educação Internacional, com apoio da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS, visa contribuir com os esforços de recuperação do estado do Rio Grande do Sul.

FAUBAI-Australia Webinar Series
Três webinars sobre a Internacionalização da Educação, organizado pela FAUBAI com o apoio da Embaixada da Austrália no Brasil, com o objetivo de promover conexões entre instituições de ensino superior brasileiras e australianas. A série abordará diferentes aspectos da internacionalização para apresentar as melhores práticas, estratégias e benchmarks entre os dois países.

FAUBAI Connections
Série de webinários “FAUBAI Connections” lançados em 2021 e 2022, com o intuito de promover ampliação da discussão sobre a internacionalização da educação superior em todo o mundo.

Levantamento de Cursos, Disciplinas e Atividades Oferecidas em Línguas Estrangeiras como Meio de Educação [LEME]
Com o intuito de atualizar o Levantamento de Cursos, Disciplinas e Atividades Oferecidas em Línguas Estrangeiras como Meio de Educação [LEME] em IES Brasileiras, convidamos sua instituição a participar desta importante iniciativa realizada pela FAUBAI – Associação Brasileira de Educação Internacional e que contou com apoio do British Council, nas edições de 2016 e 2018/19.

Brave – Brazilian Virtual Exchange
O BRaVE – Brazilian Virtual Exchange is a FAUBAI program that encourages the implementation of virtual academic exchange among Associates, offering students from Brazilian higher education institutions the possibility of taking courses with an international interface, taught online, in partnership with foreign institutions.

Tomorrow: Global Perspectives for Higher Education Internationalization
To mark the dates of the FAUBAI 2020 Conference, which was canceled due to the pandemic, FAUBAI developed the TOMORROW Project: Global Perspectives for Higher Education Internationalization, with 33 testimonials from experts from different regions of the world on the challenges and opportunities for the internationalization of higher education in the current and future context.

International Talks
From October to December 2020, FAUBAI and the British Council held the “International Talks” Webinar Series on the internationalization of higher education.

Virtual Wednesdays – FAUBAI Webinars
The Virtual Wednesday Webinars offer FAUBAI members sharing best practices and opportunities for discussion and training on the internationalization of higher education.
See the projects carried out by FAUBAI:
OBREAL Global Interregional Dialogues – Índia-América do Sul
Sessão 4: Internacionalização por meio de estratégias e programas de pesquisa parceiros
FAUBAI Connections – Programa Erasmus+: Parceiros Europeus
OBREAL Global Interregional Dialogues – Índia-América do Sul
Sessão 3: Internacionalização dos currículos: novas maneiras de fortalecimento da cooperação Sul-Norte
FAUBAI Connections – Erasmus+: Programa de Mobilidade Acadêmica
OBREAL Global Interregional Dialogues – Índia-América do Sul
Sessão 2: Estratégias, desafios e abordagens para a internacionalização das Instituições de Ensino Superior na Índia e América do Sul
OBREAL Global Interregional Dialogues – Índia-América do Sul
Sessão 1: Educação superior e internacionalização: Índia e América do Sul
FAUBAI Connections – BRaVE e Intercâmbio Virtual: Como estabelecer uma Coordenação
Primeiro webinário da Série FAUBAI Connections: https://bit.ly/39KAkld