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Joinville, SC, Brazil
Brazilian Higher Education:
Building Strategic Partnerships


April 12th to 16th

Event organizer


FAUBAI 2014 Conference
Brazilian Higher Education : Building Strategic Partnerships.

The FAUBAI Conference & Exhibition 2014 will be held from 13 to 16 April 2014 in Joinville , State of Santa Catarina, Brazil, with the central theme "Brazilian Higher Education: Building strategic partnerships".

The main objectives of the event are to host discussions on policies for international education; facilitate contact between Brazilian and foreign institutions and share good practices.

The event program includes workshops, lectures, plenary and parallel sessions and institutional matchmaking .

FAUBAI - Association of Brazilian Higher Education Institutions’ Offices for International Relations, founded in 1988, is a non-profit organization. With 250 institutional members, it is dedicated to help the internationalization of Brazilian higher education; to promote the diversity and potential of the Brazilian higher education system abroad and to the training of its members through:

  • Exchange of experiences and information
  • Conferences , seminars, workshops, courses and meetings
  • Consultancy to higher education institutions
  • Advocacy

FAUBAI - Associação de Assessorias de Instituiçães de Ensino Superior Brasileiras para Assuntos Internacionais